Put-in-Bay Township Park District

Spring Cleaning at Ladd Carr Wildlife Woods

Spring Cleaning at Ladd Carr Wildlife Woods

There are many ways you can get involved and help the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy. Contact us if you would like more information an way to help.

Please consider becoming a member.

We’re excited that you are interested in becoming a member of the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy. Please fill out the Contact Form to the right. It will be emailed directly to our Chairman. Please mail a check for the amount of the membership level you have chosen on the contact Membership Application, and send to LEIC, PO Box 461, Put-in-Bay, OH 43456. Checks should be made payable to the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy.

You can also use Paypal to pay your membership or make a donation. The button is located in the upper right. Paypal allow you to use your credit card to make your payment without providing your personal information to us.

All memberships are annual except the Life Membership which is a one time donation. The Paypal button forced us to pick a time frame for each of the donations.

Thank you for your support of the LEIC and its mission to preserve and protect lands on the Lake Erie Islands.


More information on different ways to get involved coming soon!